Latest Message:
Pastor Ethan Fisher
February 16, 2025
Join us as Pastor Ethan Fisher delivers a message titled “Conquering Conflict”.
Newlands Fulshear
Newlands Church Fulshear is launching Easter 2025! Let’s Build the Kingdom together!
Join a Group
At Newlands, we’re all about people, because God is all about people! One of the ways we do life together and take care of one another is through Newlands Groups. Join a Newlands Group for our spring semester.
Join Us For Church
At Newlands, there’s a place for you to connect and grow! To help us get to know you a bit, take a moment to Plan Your Visit.
Bringing kids? They can have fun and learn about God in kid's ministry! Save time at check-in by adding your children’s names and birth dates when you Plan Your Visit.
Interpretación Español
Oprime aquí para saber cómo puedes prepararte para la interpretación simultánea en español.
Interpretación simultánea en español disponible durante el servicio de la 11:30 am and 1 pm.
Service Times & Location
We would love for you to join us for Candlelight Services in Katy this weekend!
Sundays | 8:30, 10, 11:30 am & 1 pm
Plan Your Visit >You can also join us online through live stream.
Your giving makes a difference. Through your faithful giving, we are making an eternal difference and helping people hear the life-giving message of Jesus.
Take Your Next Step
Growth Path is a two-step journey where you can learn more about the church, become a member, discover your purpose, and join the Build Team.
Happening Soon at Newlands
Newlands Groups
Groups are a place where you can connect relationally and grow spiritually. Life is simply better together.